So the photos would lead you to think the back of this case is black w green stars on the left side. Yes, the stars are there. However the back is transparent. Not black.
It does slip on easier than my otterbox defender.
Aside from the goofy stars, it does look nice. Personally I would have preferred the clear crap on the back to be solid black.. but maybe I’m asking for too much.
Pulled my phone from the otterbox defender case - which mind you - costs as much as this case does - and made the transition. Fit seems decent, however unlike the otterbox, there’s no front frame to lock the phone into the case.
Then, I discovered there’s no lugs on the side of the case to lock the phone into my otterbox holster.. not a major thing but it makes me wish I had paid more attention on ordering.
The mag safe part though, just annoys me. Yes, it’s equipped to connect to MagSafe whatever - however - below the ring there’s a small vertical strip that helps w device and or attachment orientation. On this case, that vertical strip has absolutely dismal magnetic hold. So.. slapping a MagSafe pop socket mount on this thing - don’t expect it to line up and actually hold its place like my otterbox case does. I wouldn’t have thought this would be an issue, but it very much is.
Not doing any otterbox butt kissing here.. but for the money spent, I feel like development steps were skipped.
With some tweaks, I suspect this would easily be a 5 star case.. but as is.. I had to knock a couple stars off. 50 bucks worth? Sure. 70? .. in its current revision, not quite.